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Find the PERFECT gift here! Best selection of umbrellas since 2007!
Find the PERFECT gift here! Best selection of umbrellas since 2007!

About Us

Everyone Needs A “Good” Umbrella: was created to make shopping for an umbrella easy and fast. Everyone uses umbrellas and our goal is to help you choose the best one for you and your clients. Our goal all along was to provide quality umbrellas, but more importantly, to provide outstanding service for all who trust us to serve them.

As far as quality, you really do get what you pay for with an umbrella. Choosing between folding, golf, windproof, wind resistant, single canopy, double or vented canopy, automatic, fiberglass, metal, poplin, vinyl, wood, foam or plastic handles, can be a bit overwhelming! Checkout our Knowledge Center for advice, samples, and guidance to make the best choice.

We believe promotional umbrellas are one of the best advertising tools available to market your business. We provide every possible color, size, and quality umbrella needed to fit your budget and serve your marketing needs.

UmbrellasAndBeyond is owned and operated by JDK Associates

JDK Associates, LLC

JDK is a promotional agency who provides guidance and procures printed items for branding and marketing. Using promotional items correctly to increase your ROI requires thought and planning. We know what works and guide you along YOUR path to reach your goals the most cost effective way possible.

Our goal is to find the best way to broadcast your message so everyone know who you are and what you do. We are excited to serve you and wish you a most successful journey!

Umbrellas And Beyond's Journey:

In the spring of 2006, my 16-year-old son Michael and I learned about “ecommerce” (called online marketing at the time) at a half-day seminar in a local hotel where they served us a free breakfast. Pretty sure Michael came for the breakfast, but that seminar (and breakfast) opened our eyes to the potential of being in business for ourselves and provided a path to accomplish it.

On July 31 of that same year,JDK Associates, LLC was formed.“J”= Jim (me!)
“D”= Diann (my wife)
“K”= Kids (Michael, Lena, Shelly, Brandon)
“Associates”= Our partners and clients (you!!)
Though “D” and “K” aren’t actively involved with the business at this time,everything “J” does is meant to provide peace and comfort to these 5 special souls (plus 2 more)!!

Now that we were officially in business and started learning how to become “internet marketing experts”, we needed a product or service to offer our clients. We built our first website marketing home ottomans. I had no passion for them and had a hard time finding suppliers. We never made a sale. I decided to go find a new product to market but wanted to find something I could get excited about.

I grew up in Upstate NY and dreamed of being a professional golfer for much of my young and young adult life. That is what led me to the warm sunny skies of Florida when I was 18! My golf talent never developed into the skills needed to earn a living, but I have always loved the game of golf and continue to follow it with great passion and enthusiasm. This love for the game of golf led me to the PGA Merchandise Show at the Orange County Convention Center in January 2007 and changed the direction of JDK forever…

Focused on finding a new product to market, I headed out to the PGA Show with NO concept of what that new niche product would be. Before I ever made it into the event and as I walked across the walkway from the parking lot into the convention center, I instantly knew I had found what I was looking for! On this walkway I could look over the massive floor of vendors and got an aerial view of the show and some products. Almost immediately, as I gazed out into the vast arena, my eyes caught site of this huge booth with beautiful, colorful rain umbrellas! I knew instantly that I had found my new product! This huge booth with tons of people mingling around belonged to GustbusterUmbrellas and as I had practiced, told the owner I was an “internet marketing expert”. I proceeded to ask if he would drop ship his product for me and he quickly said yes!! I was back in business with a fun new quality product and supportive vendor to work with. As I wandered the show floor that day, I met other top-quality umbrella suppliers who also said they would drop ship their product for us. I had found our new niche and 5 months later was born!

Being married with 4 kids, a home to care for, many church responsibilities, and a dog, I was unable to do this business full-time. However, I consistently worked at this umbrella niche finding quality products and ways to make buying a blank or custom made umbrella fast and easy. JDK has successfully sold over a million dollars’ worth of umbrellas and have picked up many more suppliers through the years who have partnered with me to serve thousands of happy customers! Though unable to leave the security of my “paying” job and work this business full-time, I have remained dedicated to serving our clients, remaining profitable, and able to help our clients find those “Beyond"" items (promotional products) like pens, mugs, shirts, hats and signage.

Enjoy the Journey!

Jim Rowland (The Umbrella Guy) - Owner

JDK Associates, LLC
1422 S 730 W, Payson, UT 84651